The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Special Meeting at 9:30 a.m., in the Board Room, at the Dr. Vernon McDaniel Building, 215 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present: 

            Chairman:                     Mrs. Cary Stidham                    Vice Chairman:             Dr. John DeWitt

            Board Members:           Mr. Gary Bergosh 

                                                Mr. Ronnie L. Clark (not present)  

                                                Ms. Linda Finkelstein

            School Board General Counsel:        Mrs. Ellen D. Odom

            Superintendent of Schools:               Mr. Jim Paul

                    I.               CALL TO ORDER/ADOPTION OF AGENDA

Mrs. Stidham called the Special Meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.  On motion by Dr. DeWitt and second by Mr. Bergosh, adoption of the agenda was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

                 II.               CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION

1.       Bellview Elementary/Longleaf Elementary Double Sessions for 2004-2005 School Year 

      Motion was made by Mr. Bergosh and seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to approve Bellview Elementary/Longleaf Elementary Double Sessions for 2004-2005 School Year.  Dr. Deborah Malishan, Director of Elementary Education, reviewed the proposed plan for the use of double session at Bellview Elementary School in order to assist Longleaf Elementary School in continuing instruction while the Longleaf site was repaired of extensive damage caused by Hurricane Ivan.  (NOTE: Mr. Bergosh left at 9:45 a.m. during discussion of this item.)  Motion was approved 3 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote and Mr. Bergosh away from the table during the vote. 

               III.               HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES

The Board recognized Douglas Harris and Sonja Fitch, who addressed their thoughts regarding the proposed “Amended School Calendar for 2004-2005” and/or the proposed “Educational Support Work Calendar for 2004-2005”.   

(NOTE: Mr. Bergosh re-entered the meeting at 9:47 a.m.)  

1.       Amended School Calendar for 2004-2005

Motion was made by Mr. Bergosh and seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to approve the Amended School Calendar for 2004-2005.  Dr. Doug Garber, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resource Services, reviewed the proposed amendments to the 2004-2005 school calendar, which were necessary for making up the nineteen (19) scheduled days of instruction that students had missed (as of the projected October 11, 2004 return date) due to Hurricane Ivan.

Dr. DeWitt indicated that he would not support the approval of this item, as he disagreed with the request to waive ten (10) days of instruction.

The Board recognized the following speakers, who expressed their thoughts regarding various aspects of this issue: Ellen Lawrence (elimination of Fall Break); Madonna Jackson-Williams (elimination of Fall Break); and Susan Towns (rescheduling of Spring Break). 

Motion was approved 3 to 1, with Dr. DeWitt voting “No” and Mr. Clark absent for vote.      

2.       Educational Support Work Calendar for 2004-2005

Motion was made by Mr. Bergosh and seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to approve the Educational Support Work Calendar for 2004-2005.  Dr. Doug Garber, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resource Services, explained that a revision to the work calendar for Educational Support Personnel was necessary to coincide with the amended 2004-2005 school calendar. 

The Board recognized the following speakers, who expressed their thoughts regarding various aspects of this issue: Ellen Lawrence; Madonna Jackson-Williams; and Douglas Harris. 

Motion was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

              IV.               PURCHASING

1.       Emergency Roof Repairs at Tate High School

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve Emergency Roof Repairs at Tate High School, carried 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

2.       Storm Clean Up at Various Schools

      Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve Storm Clean Up at Various Schools, carried 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.   

3.       Emergency Roof Repairs at Various Schools

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve Emergency Roof Repairs at Various Schools, carried 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.  

4.       Repair of Data Communications Infrastructure

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve Repair of Data Communications Infrastructure, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.

5.       Repair of Data Communications Infrastructure

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve Repair of Data Communications Infrastructure, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.  

6.       Replacement of Computer Equipment Damaged Beyond Economical Repair

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve Replacement of Computer Equipment Damaged Beyond Economical Repair, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.   

7.       Repair of Fire Alarm at Tate High School

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve Repair of Fire Alarm at Tate High School, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.   

8.       Replacement of Computer Equipment Damaged Beyond Economical Repair

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve Replacement of Computer Equipment Damaged Beyond Economical Repair, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

9.       Repair of Fire Alarm at Jim Bailey Middle School

Motion by Mr. Bergosh, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to approve Repair of Fire Alarm at Jim Bailey Middle School, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

10.      Repair of Computer Equipment

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve Repair of Computer Equipment, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

11.      Repair of Fire Alarm Network between Buildings at Tate High School

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve Repair of Fire Alarm Network between Buildings at Tate High School, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

12.      Removal of Downed/Damaged Trees at Various Schools

Motion by Mr. Bergosh, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to approve Removal of Downed/Damaged Trees at Various Schools, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

13.      Repair of Data Communications Infrastructure

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve Repair of Data Communications Infrastructure, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.   

14.      Scoreboard Repair at Various High Schools

Motion by Mr. Bergosh, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to approve Scoreboard Repair at Various High Schools

The Board recognized Sheila Romaine and Yvita Lucky, who expressed their thoughts regarding this item.   

Motion was failed 2 to 2, with Dr. DeWitt and Ms. Finkelstein voting “No” and Mr. Clark absent for vote.  

15.      Replace Floor Coverings at the J.E. Hall Center

Motion by Mr. Bergosh, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to approve Replace Floor Coverings at the J.E. Hall Center, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.   

16.      Re-Key Locks to Gates throughout the District

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to approve Re-Key Locks to Gates throughout the District, was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

                 V.               ITEMS FROM THE BOARD

1.       Travel Expenditures for Mixon and Associates – Cary Stidham

Motion by Mr. Bergosh, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to authorize Travel Expenditures for Mixon and Associates (approximately $150), was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote. 

              VI.               ADJOURNMENT

At the request of Mrs. Odom, the Board collectively agreed to schedule an Executive Session for October 8, 2004, at 3:00 p.m., in the Superintendent’s Conference Room at the Dr. Vernon McDaniel Building, for the purpose of discussing pending litigation.  

Motion by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to adjourn the Special Meeting at 11:15 a.m., was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Clark absent for vote.   

Attest:                                                             Approved:

________________________________                    ________________________________

   Superintendent                                                  Chairman