The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Special Meeting at 12:00 p.m., in the Board Room, at the Dr. Vernon McDaniel Building, 215 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:

            Chairman:                     Mr. Gary L. Bergosh

            Vice Chairman:             Mrs. Patty Hightower

            Board Members:           Mrs. Cary Stidham

                                                Dr. Charles E. Glover, Sr.

                                                Mr. Pete Gindl 

            School Board General Counsel:        Mrs. Ellen Odom

Superintendent of Schools:               Mr. Norm Ross, Deputy Superintendent (representing Mr. Jim Paul)


Prior to the beginning of the Special Meeting, Mr. Bergosh installed Dr. Charles E. Glover, Sr., as School Board Member, District III.   Dr. Glover expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve as a School Board Member and stated that he would do his best to make decisions that would be in the best interest of students. 


Mr. Bergosh called the Special Meeting to order at 12:08 p.m.  Mrs. Stidham suggested handling the general business items (i.e., finance, human resources, purchasing) prior to strategic planning.  Motion by Mrs. Hightower, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to adopt the agenda, moving “strategic planning” to the end of the agenda, was approved unanimously.    


This item was addressed later in the meeting.                 

III.               FINANCE

1.  Proposed Refunding of Outstanding Certificates of Participation Series 1996-1

Motion by Mrs. Hightower, seconded by Mr. Gindl, to approve “Proposed Refunding of Outstanding Certificates of Participation Series 1996-1” was approved unanimously. 


1.  Recommend that employee #472525 be suspended without pay pending the outcome of criminal and District investigations of alleged misconduct related to misappropriation of School District property, effective Tuesday, March 29, 2005. 

Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham and seconded by Mrs. Hightower, to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation that employee #472525 be suspended without pay pending the outcome of criminal and District investigations of alleged misconduct related to misappropriation of School District property, effective Tuesday, March 29, 2005.  Motion was approved unanimously. 

V.               PURCHASING

1.       Reading Materials for Summer Reading Camp

Motion by Mr. Gindl, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to approve “Reading Materials for Summer Reading Camp” was unanimous.


(NOTE: School Board Rule 1.22(2)(b) states: “By the end of March each year, the School Board shall conduct a workshop to evaluate its general and specific goals and objectives relative to the strategic plan in light of the midpoint evaluation and any other matter the School Board may deem appropriate.”

Mrs. Sheree Cagle, Director of Comprehensive Planning, asked the Board to review the changes (as outlined in the backup documentation) suggested by the strategic planning committees and then offer their suggestions for any additional changes.

Board Members suggested changes to the following goals/objectives:

Goal 1:

Lay a foundation for continuous learning that allows all students to achieve their maximum potential.

Mrs. Stidham noted that under the “Strategies and Estimated Cost per Year” for each of the objectives of this goal, there were many strategies with a note indicating “cost varies.”  She requested that each notation of “cost varies” be replaced with a “minimum/maximum” dollar amount. 

Objective 1.2: Every student achieving at high levels.

●    Increase the percentage of students scoring at FCAT Proficiency Levels

○    The district mean score in FCAT Science for two of the three instructional levels (i.e., elementary, middle, and high) will equal or exceed the state mean. 

Mrs. Hightower suggested the following revision: The district mean score in FCAT Science for two of the three instructional levels (i.e., elementary, middle, and high) will equal or exceed the state mean

Goal 4:

Provide a safe and welcoming environment.

Objective 4.4: Reduce the number of student and staff incidents involving alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by 50% within five years. 

Mrs. Hightower noted that the strategies associated with this particular objective only addressed students, not staff.

Goal 5:

Increase public support and awareness for the value of the teaching profession and public education.

Objective 5.2: Inform the public about the issues and needs of public education in Escambia County using resources such as media releases, involvement in community organizations, forums, etc. at least once a month. 

Mrs. Hightower suggested adding “tracking of letters to the editor” (local newspapers) as an evaluation method for this particular objective. 

The Special Meeting recessed at 1:08 p.m. and reconvened at 1:10 p.m., with Mr. Bergosh, Mrs. Hightower, Mrs. Stidham, Dr. Glover and Mr. Ross (representing Mr. Jim Paul, Superintendent) present.  (NOTE: Mr. Gindl did not return after recess

Goal 8:

Increase by 5% annually business/community involvement in the education process to improve student achievement.

Objective 8.3: Provide programs, activities, and written information for parents in compliance with the Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act and identified needs at each school. 

As an evaluation method for this particular objective, Mrs. Hightower and Dr. Glover suggested conducting a parent survey to determine whether parents actually received the Parent Guide and whether or not they found it to be useful. 

VI.               ADJOURNMENT

Motion by Mrs. Hightower, seconded by Dr. Glover, to adjourn the Special Meeting at 1:30 p.m. was approved 4 to 0, with Mr. Gindl absent for vote. 

Attest:                                                              Approved:

________________________________                    ________________________________

Superintendent                                                  Chairman