The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Special Meeting at 8:00 a.m., in the Board Room, at the Dr. Vernon McDaniel (Administration) Building, 215 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:


Chairman:  Dr. John DeWitt

Vice Chairman: Ms. Linda Finkelstein (entered the Special Meeting at 8:10 a.m.)


Board Members: Mr. Gary L. Bergosh

Mrs. Cary Stidham

Dr. Elmer Jenkins


School Board Attorney:  Mr. Francisco M. Negron, Jr.


Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Norm Ross, Deputy Superintendent, represented Mr. Jim Paul



Dr. DeWitt called the Special Meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.



Mrs. Stidham noted that the backup information for Item V.1 “Personnel Planning Document” also included several requests for proposed, revised or modified job descriptions.  She explained that those requests should be added to the agenda and acted upon prior to action regarding the Personnel Planning Document.  Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to adopt the agenda as amended.  Mr. Ross questioned the legality of taking action on job description requests, prior to action regarding the Personnel Planning Document.  Mr. Negron responded by explaining that the Board has the authority to establish or abolish any job positions.  He noted that the Superintendent’s role is simply to recommend the establishment or abolishment of position.  Motion to adopt the agenda as amended was approved 4 to 0, with Ms. Finkelstein absent for vote.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit “A”)

ADD 1.Property Purchase for New K-8 School in Molino

Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, gave a brief description of the proposed property purchase for the new Molino/Barrineau Park K-8 school.  In response to Mrs. Stidham’s request, Mr. Kirchharr stated that he would provide a map of the property.  Mr. Kirchharr responded to questions posed by the Board regarding options for handling of sewage, issues regarding wetland preservation and the general configuration of the school site.  (Ms. Finkelstein entered the Special Meeting at 8:10 a.m. during the discussion regarding this item.)  Motion by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the “Property Purchase for New K-8 School in Molino”, was unanimous.  Ms. Finkelstein expressed her appreciation to all individuals involved in the property acquisition process.  Mr. Kirchharr stated that plans for construction were “on track” with an anticipated July 1, 2002 start on construction.



1. Privatization of Custodial Services (March 4, 2002 Special Meeting)

Mr. Ross explained that there had been some confusion as to the delivery of the employee proposal regarding custodial services.  He stated that the Superintendent had not had the opportunity to review the employee proposal and therefore was uncertain as to his recommendation regarding this issue.  Dr. Jenkins believed that this item should be postponed to a later meeting when all Board Members and the Superintendent could be present to thoroughly discuss the issue.  Motion by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to table “Privatization of Custodial Services” to the May Regular Meeting, was approved unanimously.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit “B”)

ADD 1. Proposed, Revised or Modified Job Descriptions

Proposed, Revised or Modified Job Descriptions for Human Resources Services

1. Director III – Human Resources, Educational Support

2. Human Resources Specialist

Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Dr. Jenkins not to approve the job description for the Director III – Human Resources Educational Support position.  Mrs. Stidham believed that this was “too high of a position to do this job function” and would be costly to the District.  Dr. Doug Garber, Director of Human Resources Services, explained that the need for the proposed positions (Director III – Human Resources, Educational Support and Human Resources Specialist) was due to the increased responsibilities of the Human Resources department resulting from the loss of several positions (i.e., Director of Employee Services, Director of Affirmative Action) and functions previously provided by the Civil Service system and SEMS system.

The Board recognized Ellen Lawrence, UniServe Director, who stated that she “did not believe that the way that Educational Support Personnel Human Resources was staffed at the time they came out from under Civil Service, was adequate to do those tasks (previously performed by Civil Service).”  She believed that in order to assume the job functions previously performed by Civil Service, the Human Resources department would need additional staff with expertise in those types of job functions.

Dr. Garber clarified that the request for the Director III – Human Resources, Educational Support position was not actually to establish a new position, but rather to upgrade the Manager III – Classified Personnel Services position.  Upon inquiry by Dr. DeWitt, Dr. Garber stated that the responsibilities from the abolished Director of Affirmative Action position had been included in the job description for the Human Resource Specialist position.  Dr. Jenkins was concerned that the inclusion of affirmative action responsibilities in the job description for the Human Resource Specialist position may “dilute” the affirmative action concept.  Mr. Negron stated that in his opinion, there should be a position designated to specifically handle affirmative action responsibilities, such as the abolished “Director of Affirmative Action” position.  However, if the Board chose not to reinstate or establish a position designated to do such, he stated that the affirmative action responsibilities would need to be incorporated into the appropriate job description.  Ms. Finkelstein was concerned with “creating” a new administrative position while teachers continued to receive inadequate pay and while various “cuts” were being made to schools/programs.  Mr. Bergosh stated that while he also had concerns regarding inadequate pay for teachers, he believed as indicated by staff, that there was a need for this position (Director III – Human Resources, Educational Support).  He also expressed concerns regarding the “dilution” of the affirmative action concept.

The Board recognized Madonna Jackson-Williams, who expressed her concerns regarding the “creation” of a new administrative position while teachers continued to be inadequately paid. 

Dr. DeWitt expressed concern regarding the pay grade for the proposed positions (Director III – Human Resources, Educational Support and Human Resources Specialist), noting that they were both “pay grade 14 – Administrative Salary Schedule,” but differed in responsibilities and qualifications (i.e., master’s degree versus bachelor’s, minimum of ten (10) years experience versus five (5) years).  Dr. DeWitt was also concerned with establishing any administrative or professional/technical salary schedule position until appropriate adjustments were made to all salary schedules.  Motion not to approve the job description for the Director III - Human Resources, Educational Support position was approved 3 to 2, with Mr. Bergosh and Dr. Jenkins voting “No.”  Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to (have staff) combine the responsibilities of both positions (Director III – Human Resources, Educational Support and Human Resources Specialist) into one position, with salary “held” until all salary schedules are approved by the Board.  (No vote was taken on this motion.)  Ms. Finkelstein and Mr. Bergosh questioned whether combining the job responsibilities of both positions into one position would further dilute the affirmative action concept.  Ms. Finkelstein believed it was important to retain the term “affirmative action” within the job title.  Mr. Bergosh stated that if staff finds that two positions are needed to perform the necessary duties, then perhaps they could “rethink the compensation package” for those positions.  Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to send back both job descriptions (Director III – Human Resources, Educational Support and Human Resources Specialist) to staff to consider comments made by the Board and to bring back to the Board within a timeframe to be determined by the Superintendent, was unanimously approved.


Proposed, Revised or Modified Job Descriptions for Finance and Business Affairs

1. Request to Convert Three (3) Accountant Positions to Financial Analyst Positions

Mrs. Barbara Linker, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, briefly explained that the request to convert three (3) accountant positions to financial analyst positions, was based on addition of duties and proper placement for current duties.  Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to convert three (3) accountant positions to financial analyst positions.  Dr. DeWitt suggested that no salary be assigned (to the financial analyst position) until appropriate adjustments were made to all salary schedules.  He believed that “would be sending the wrong message – there are lots of people out there who are doing extra and are entitled to raises as well.”  In response to a suggestion made by Ms. Finkelstein, Mrs. Linker stated that a lowering from “pay grade 14 – Professional Salary Schedule” to “pay grade 10 – Professional Salary Schedule” would not appropriately compensate those individuals, noting that it would only provide an increase of approximately $1,000 to the current salary of two of the three individuals.  Mrs. Linker noted that there was an existing financial analyst position assigned as “pay grade 14 – Professional Salary Schedule.”  Upon inquiry by Dr. DeWitt, Mrs. Linker stated that the recommendation if approved, would go into effect July 1, 2002.  Mr. Bergosh stated that while he acknowledged that those individuals “work very hard and put in a lot of time,” he agreed with Dr. DeWitt that “raises should wait until everyone can be given a raise all at once.”  He stated that he would support this recommendation, but “wanted to do it when everyone else gets a raise rather than to carve people out.”

The Board recognized Ellen Lawrence, UniServe Director, who expressed concerns with these positions being taken out of the clerical bargaining unit.

Motion to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to convert three (3) accountant positions to financial analyst positions, failed 3 to 2, with Dr. DeWitt, Ms. Finkelstein and Mr. Bergosh voting “No.”  Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. Bergosh to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation to convert three (3) accountant positions to financial analyst positions, with no salary assigned until the new salary schedules are approved, was approved 3 to 2, with Mrs. Stidham and Dr. Jenkins voting “No.”

(*see below for additional action taken by the Board later in the meeting regarding this issue)


Proposed, Revised or Modified Job Descriptions for Operations

1. Request for a Total of  Seventy-Five (75) Additional Bus Operator and Bus Aide Positions

Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, explained that this request was for thirty-one (31) additional “bus operator” positions and forty-four (44) “teacher assistant – special (bus aide)” positions.  Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to approve the recommendation for a total of seventy-five (75) additional bus operator and bus aide positions.  Upon request by Dr. Jenkins, Mr. Kirchharr stated that he would provide information regarding the percentage of African-American bus operators.  Motion was approved 4 to 0, with Dr. DeWitt away from table when vote was taken.


2. Request for Reinstatement of Manager VII – Central Shipping and Receiving Position

Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, stated that this request was for the reinstatement of the Manager VII - Shipping and Receiving position. He noted that this position, along with the Assistant Manager position, was previously merged into the Warehouse Manager position.  He noted that the job description provided in the supporting documentation should reflect “pay grade 7 – Professional Salary Schedule” rather than “pay grade 8 – Professional Salary Schedule.”  Dr. DeWitt expressed concern that this position would have a higher salary than that of a teacher position.  Mr. Kirchharr responded by stating that many other “manager” positions requiring similar qualifications, also have higher salaries than that of a teacher position.  He noted that surcharge revenues should compensate for the additional $15,000 required to fund this position, with little or no impact on the General Fund.  Mr. Bergosh also expressed concern that this position would have a higher salary than that of a teacher position.  He suggested a lower pay grade be assigned to the position, but at the same time questioned whether a lower pay grade would “attract” a qualified applicant.  Motion made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein to table this recommendation to the June Regular Board Meeting, was approved 4 to1, with Dr. Jenkins voting “No.”


3. Revised Job Description for Food Services

Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, explained that this request was to revise the job description of the Support Personnel Recruiter for Food Services position.  He stated that the revision reflected the elimination of the SEMS responsibility and that all other duties remained unchanged.  Dr. DeWitt noted that the job description would need to specify pay grade.  Dr. Doug Garber, Director of Human Resources Services, stated that due to an arbitration ruling, the pay grade assignment (of “pay grade 5 – Professional Salary Schedule”) would not reflect the salary being paid to the employee currently in that position. Mr. Negron stated that “the position exists irrespective of the individual who currently fills it, so a pay grade can still be assigned to the position.”  He further stated that “if there is a court directive (that) the person be compensated on another level and that is what we are abiding by, that does not mean that the position has to have that pay grade.”  Mrs. Stidham requested a review of the arbitration ruling.  Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, Mr. Kirchharr stated that there had been no comprehensive review of the job description, simply a revision to reflect the elimination of the SEMS responsibilities.  Motion made by Mrs. Stidham to table the recommendation to the June Regular Meeting failed for a lack of second.  Motion by Dr. Jenkins, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve the recommendation with pay grade assignment of “pay grade 5 – Professional Salary Schedule”, failed 3 to 2, with Mrs. Stidham, Dr. DeWitt, and Ms. Finkelstein voting “No.”  Dr. DeWitt noted that while the recommendation had been defeated by majority vote, the Superintendent could present a recommendation again, at the June Regular Meeting.  He suggested that the job description be revised to reflect the actual needs of the position, noting that he believed that the recommended job description appeared to be written to fit the qualifications of the current employee. 


Proposed, Revised or Modified Job Descriptions for Curriculum and Instruction/Management Information Systems (MIS)

1. Revised Job Description for Pupil Support Services position

Mr. Paul Fetsko, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction/Management Information Systems (MIS), explained that this was a request to change the position title of “Director I - Pupil Instructional Support Services” to “Director I - Pupil Support Services” and to include additional responsibilities within the job description.  Motion by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to approve the revised job description for “Director I – Pupil Support Services” was approved 4 to 0, with Dr. DeWitt not at the table when vote was taken.


The Special Meeting recessed at 9:57 a.m. and reconvened at 10:05 a.m., with all Board Members and Mr. Ross present.  Mr. Negron re-entered the Special Meeting at 10:11 a.m.


*The following motion was made in an effort to be consistent with several other actions that the Board had taken earlier in the meeting:   Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to table the “Request to Convert Three (3) Accountant Positions to Financial Analyst Positions” to the June Regular Meeting, was approved 4 to 1, with Dr. Jenkins voting “No.”


2.  Personnel Planning Document (item previously discussed at April 15, 2002 Regular Workshop)

Motion made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to approve the “Personnel Planning Document” as amended by previous Board actions regarding job descriptions (Item V.1 “Proposed, Revised or Modified Job Descriptions”), was unanimous.

(Mr. Negron re-entered the Special Meeting at 10:11 a.m.) 


3. Home Grown Teacher Cohort Program (item previously discussed at April 15, 2002 Regular Workshop)

[NOTE:  This item refers to the following agreements:  Collaborative Teacher Training Agreement (Home Grown Program) between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the University of West Florida, Division of Teacher Education; and Collaborative Teacher Training Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and the employee (student)]  Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, seconded by Mr. Bergosh to approve the Home Grown Teacher Cohort Program.  Mrs. Stidham noted several inconsistencies within the agreement with the University of West Florida regarding who (the School Board or University of West Florida) would determine the school site to conduct classes for the cohort program.  She also had concerns with the following statements included in the agreement with the employee (student):  “If the District for financial, staffing, or other reasons fails to offer the student (employee) a position for the next school year following graduation, the student (employee) is no longer obligated to the three year contract” and  “if the student (employee) fails to complete the program for any reason or fails to accept a position with the District upon full completion of the program, the student (employee) will reimburse the District for all tuition and fees paid by the District.”  Dr. Doug Garber, Director of Human Resources Services, stated that those particular statements were included in the agreement simply for “dual” protection of both the District and the employee (student).  Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, Mr. Negron confirmed that terms as outlined in those particular statements, could be included in the agreement.  He noted however, that because the employee (student) would be required to “sign” the agreement (which references terms and conditions of employment) it would require collaborative bargaining.  Dr. DeWitt questioned whether an employee (student) if not hired as a teacher after completion of the program, would be placed in their previous position or if they could be hired for other positions (such as administrative or professional).  He also questioned whether the employee (student) would have to reimburse the District (for all tuition and fees paid by the District) if they were hired for a position other than teacher.  Dr. Garber believed that if the District for financial reasons fails to offer the student (employee) an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) position then the student (employee) would not be obligated to reimburse the District.  He further stated that the District is not obligated to give the student (employee) a job.  Mr. Negron stated that this was a labor/management issue and did not need to be reviewed by the Board nor himself, as General Counsel.

The Board recognized Ellen Lawrence, UniServe Director, who stated that the “bargaining unit” should have been involved in the development of this program from the beginning.  While she believed that this program was a “great opportunity” for the District and the employee (student), she stated that many issues would require collaborative bargaining.

Dr. DeWitt stated that based on concerns expressed, he believed that staff should meet with all stakeholders involved, to bargain the issue and then present the item at the May Regular Meeting.   Mr. Negron stated this item involved two parts:  1) Collaborative Teacher Training Agreement (Home Grown Program) between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the University of West Florida, Division of Teacher Education, which he stated did not require collaborative bargaining; and 2) Collaborative Teacher Training Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and the employee (student), which he stated did require collaborative bargaining.  He noted that the two items could be separated for vote.

The Board recognized Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServe, who expressed various concerns regarding this issue. 

Mr. Bergosh believed that this was a “good program” that needed to be “worked out quickly.”  He stated that he did not care if a “payback” clause was included in the agreement with the employee (student) or not.  Mrs. Stidham believed that there should be a “payback” clause included in the agreement with the employee (student).  She questioned “why would District pay for someone’s education without promise to work for District – why pay so that they can go to another county to teach.”  Dr. Jenkins, Dr. DeWitt and Ms. Finkelstein agreed that there should be some type of commitment from the employee (student) to the District.  No vote was taken on the original motion “to approve the Home Grown Teacher Cohort Program.”  Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to approve the Collaborative Teacher Training Agreement (Home Grown Program) between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and the University of West Florida, Division of Teacher Education; allow for an employee (student) informational meeting and collaborative bargaining meeting regarding the Collaborative Teacher Training Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County and the employee (student).  Motion was approved unanimously. 



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit “C”)

1. Motion to Expand Pre-K Program – John DeWitt

The following is the proposal to expand pre-k program, as provided by Dr. DeWitt in the agenda back-up information:

 “Support current operations using Title I funds for preschool – Title I programs.  Therefore, we will maintain:

1) Certified teachers in all Title I Pre-K Programs

2) Teacher assistants as presently operating.

3) Continue to provide specialized transportation for our Pre-K, with flexibility for starting and ending times.

Therefore, existing Pre-K Title I will continue to operate at the present high quality level.

In order to assist more children in getting ready for school, this proposal would reduce allocations to Title I schools by an additional $300,000.  The District would begin Pre-K programs at sites which demonstrate the most need for additional services, based on poverty rate and previous school readiness scores.  These could include but not limited to an additional classroom at:

1) Edgewater Elementary

2) West Pensacola Elementary

3)  Jim Allen Elementary

4)  Myrtle Grove Elementary

5)  Ferry Pass Elementary

It is estimated that each program will cost $60,000 for teacher, aide and support, thus reducing allocation to Title I by $300,000.

Although there are programs being provided by the Coalition, these programs will not adhere to the high District standards.  The law does not allow the District to co-mingle Title I funds to make up the difference, therefore, the District should pick up at least five (5) more classes of the children most at risk, and allow the Coalition to fund classes for children “not as much” at risk, as they will not be able to maintain our standards.  These “Coalition Programs” will be under different standards and operations, but the District is committed to providing the best with limited resources.

This would reduce funding to Title I schools by 4% to fully fund our Pre-K programs.”


Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt to approve the proposal to “expand pre-k program.”  Dr. Jenkins seconded the motion for discussion purposes.  Dr. DeWitt briefly reviewed and explained the outlined proposal.  Board Members expressed various concerns regarding the proposal.  Mr. Ross stated that he appreciated Dr. DeWitt’s “zeal” regarding pre-k, however he noted that the proposal referred to students who were already being serviced by pre-k programs.  He stated that the pre-k issue was “time-sensitive” and noted that staffing, centered around Title I funds, was already in progress.  Motion failed 4 to 1, with Mr. Bergosh, Mrs. Stidham, Ms. Finkelstein and Dr. Jenkins voting “No.” Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt “that the present pre-k programs continue to operate with the same quality that it is now without any changes (i.e., changing staff qualifications, student-pupil ratio, transportation schedule).”  Ms. Finkelstein seconded the motion for discussion purposes.  Motion failed 3 to 2, with Mr. Bergosh, Mrs. Stidham and Dr. Jenkins voting “No.”

The Special Meeting recessed at 10:59 a.m. and reconvened at 1:20 p.m., with Mrs. Stidham, Dr. DeWitt, Ms. Finkelstein, Dr. Jenkins, Mr. Negron and Mr. Ross present. Mr. Bergosh re-entered the Special Meeting at 1:29 p.m.


2.  Update on Staffing – Linda Finkelstein

Motion was made by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Dr. Jenkins, to approve the staffing document (as provided by staff).  In response to concerns expressed by Mr. Ross regarding the fact that this was a “fluid document,” motion was withdrawn.  Mr. Paul Fetsko, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Alan Scott, Director of Secondary Education and Mrs. Barbara Linker, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, briefly reviewed various issues regarding the staffing allocation for 2002-2003 (i.e., student-teacher ratio, financial constraints, decreased enrollment, impact from charter membership, redistricting).  Upon inquiry by Ms. Finkelstein, Dr. Alan Scott and Mr. Fetsko addressed the staffing for Brown Barge Middle School, noting that Brown Barge would definitely be staffed around 518.  Dr. Jenkins expressed his concerns regarding transfers out of Wedgewood Middle School that had negatively affected the student enrollment at that school.  In response to a statement made by Dr. Scott, Dr. Jenkins suggested the placement of a minority principal at Wedgewood Middle School after the retirement of the current principal.  Upon inquiry by Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Scott addressed the staffing for Woodham High School.  Ms. Finkelstein noted that Woodham would lose one guidance counselor which would be the only minority counselor presently there.  Motion was made by Ms. Finkelstein, seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to allow Woodham High School to staff with four (4) guidance counselors.  (No vote was taken on this motion.)  

The Board recognized Bob Husbands, Executive Director, Escambia NEA UniServe, who expressed concerns regarding the general issue of “staffing.”

Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, seconded by Mr. Bergosh, to table the issue regarding Woodham High School counselors, until the May Regular Meeting for input from the Superintendent.  Motion was approved 3 to 2, with Dr. DeWitt and Ms. Finkelstein voting “No.”


3. Amended Half-Cent Sales Tax Extension Resolution

Motion made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Dr. Jenkins to approve the amended Half-Cent Sales Tax Extension Resolution, was unanimous.  (NOTE:  The amended Half-Cent Sales Tax Extension Resolution simply reflected the addition of the word “continuation” where appropriate.  Original Half-Cent Sales Tax Extension Resolution was approved at the March 19, 2002 Regular Board Meeting.)


ADD  4. Discussion of Advertising Vacancies for Teacher and Administrative/Professional Personnel and Transfer Requests

Dr. DeWitt stated that there were concerns regarding the need to begin advertisements of vacancies for teacher and administrative/professional personnel and transfer requests, especially at West Florida High School of Advanced Technology.  Dr. Doug Garber, Director of Human Resources Services, stated that staff had indicated that they would know by the first full week in May where positions were and could begin advertisement by May 10, 2002.  Mr. Ross stated that the Superintendent was aware of and approves of the advertisement of vacancies and transfer requests. Dr. Garber stated that placement of all personnel, instructional in particular, must be done by May 29, 2002 otherwise the District could be subject to unemployment compensation of a significant amount.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit “D”)

AMENDED/1. Agreements Regarding Fiber Optic Metropolitan Wide Network


Mr. Ross presented the Superintendent’s recommendation for approval of “Agreements Regarding Fiber Optic Metropolitan Wide Network.”  Motion was made by Dr. Jenkins, seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to approve the amended (as per Mr. Negron) “Agreements Regarding Fiber Optic Metropolitan Wide Network” as recommended by the Superintendent.  Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, Mr. Negron explained that the agreement with Gulf Power had been amended to remove certain language regarding indemnification. Upon inquiry by Ms. Finkelstein, Mr. Bill Bush, Director of Management Information Services (MIS), stated that while he believed the additional cost would be approximately $14,000, he would not know for certain until final figures were received.  He noted that funds for the additional cost would come from E-Rate.  Ms. Finkelstein stated that she was not comfortable with approving this item with such short notice and not enough time to properly review the entire document.  Mr. Bush stated that he understood Ms. Finkelstein’s concerns but noted that due to the “strict timeline” he had no choice but to present the item at this meeting.  Motion was approved 3 to 2, with Ms. Finkelstein and Mrs. Stidham voting “No.” 



There being no further business, the Special Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.


Attest: Approved:

Superintendent    Chairman