MINUTES, MAY 27, 2003


The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Special Meeting at 1:00 p.m., in the Board Room, at the Dr. Vernon McDaniel Building, 215 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:


Chair: Ms. Linda Finkelstein 

Vice Chair: Mrs. Cary Stidham


Board Members: Mrs. Carissa Bergosh

Mr. Ronnie L. Clark

Dr. John DeWitt


School Board Attorney: Mr. Francisco M. Negron, Jr.


Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Jim Paul



Ms. Finkelstein called the Special Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.  On motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, adoption of the agenda was approved unanimously.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit “A”)

(NOTE: The following discussion refers to several positions that were deleted from the Personnel Planning Document for 2003-2004, when it was approved at the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting.)  Mrs. Bergosh made the following motion: “That we reinstate the positions cut at our last meeting to allow us to reason together and evaluate the impact of the cutting the positions on our children and our district as a whole.”  Motion was seconded by Ms. Finkelstein for discussion.  Ms. Finkelstein and Mr. Clark did not believe that the motion on the floor was necessary, as there was already a “process in place” for this meeting, whereby the Superintendent would have the opportunity to justify the reinstatement of any of those positions.  Motion failed 4 to 1, with Dr. DeWitt, Ms. Finkelstein, Mrs. Stidham and Mr. Clark voting “No.”


General Revenue Budget Reduction Recommendations 2003-2004

Mrs. Barbara Linker, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, gave a brief update on the “budget situation” by reviewing two handouts provided to the Board entitled “Funding Summary Conference Report” and “Analysis of Projected Budget Increases.”

The Board recognized the following speakers:

Bob Husbands, Executive Director of NEA UniServe, who expressed his concerns regarding a number of the Superintendent’s general revenue budget reduction recommendations.   

Cynthia Reeves (speaking on behalf of WEAR Channel 3 News Director, Mr. Peter Newman), who expressed support for the reinstatement of the position of Coordinator I - Information Services. (NOTE: The Coordinator I – Information Services was one of several positions deleted from the Personnel Planning Document for 2003-2004, when it was approved at the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting.


The Superintendent and his staff presented the following recommendations: 

1) Reduce Transportation FTE Reserve


2) Teachers at the High School Level Teach Six of Eight Periods  


3) Decrease Performance Pay Reserve


4) Sweep Carryovers from School Operation, Child Care and Print Shop Budgets

Board Members requested information regarding any plans that had been made for the use of these carryover funds, that would not occur if this recommendation were approved.


5) Decentralize Custodial Services with In-House Management


6) Close A.V. Clubbs

[NOTE: The following discussion refers to Item V.E.1.B.1, “A.V. Clubbs Alternative Education Paving and Site Work Improvements,” that was approved at the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting.]  Mrs. Stidham noted that if this recommendation was approved, the A.V. Clubbs facility could actually be declared ‘surplus’ and then sold.  Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, the Superintendent stated that the construction that was approved at the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting would be “put on hold” until a final decision was made on this recommendation.  Dr. DeWitt and Mr. Clark expressed their opposition to this recommendation.  They noted the success of the alternative education program at A.V. Clubbs regarding the number of students that had been successfully incorporated back into regular middle school classrooms.  They believed that the program would lose its effectiveness, if moved out into the regular middle schools.

The Board recognized Charles Thomas and Lisa McKinney, who expressed their opposition to the Superintendent’s recommendation.  <


7) Increase Elementary Walk Zone to 1 ½ Miles/Increase Middle School Walk Zone to 2 Miles

Mrs. Stidham requested maps pinpointing the location of students who were current ‘courtesy riders’ and the areas they those students would be required to walk through if this recommendation were approved.  Ms. Finkelstein requested that maps that identifying hazardous walk zones also be provided. 


8) Bus Compounding


9) Maintain Hiring Freeze of October 1

Board Members indicated that they would not support the approval of this recommendation, as they believed that it was the District’s responsibility to ensure that there was a “qualified teacher in the classroom.”  Motion by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Mr. Clark, to reject the Superintendent’s recommendation to “Maintain Hiring Freeze of October 1” was approved unanimously.   


10) Reduce Summer School 2004 to Serve Seniors Only

Ms. Finkelstein requested information regarding the cost savings associated with the inclusion of rising seniors and rising juniors in this recommendation.  She also requested historical information regarding the number of students who register for summer school and the number of students that actually attend summer school.  

The Board recognized Sheila Romaine, who expressed her opposition to this recommendation.


11) Modify Dental Plan

Mrs. Stidham and Ms. Finkelstein noted that there was no “modified dental plan” included in the backup documentation and therefore, they were uncertain as to how the $200,000 cost savings (as indicated in the backup documentation) would be achieved.


12) Close the Print Shop

Dr. DeWitt stated that he would not support this recommendation, as he believed that the Print Shop provided a valuable service to the District.  Ms. Finkelstein requested information the following information: “What exactly does the Print Shop do? What forms do they produce for us on a yearly basis? How does each school/department access and use the Print Shop? What is not only the printing cost, but the paper cost and everything else?  What kind of funds have been generated by ‘outside’ print jobs?” 


13) Reduce Roll Forward in Staff Development

Ms. Finkelstein requested information regarding any plans that had been made for the use of these roll forward funds, that would not occur if this recommendation were approved.


14) Middle Schools Share Bookkeepers

Ms. Finkelstein noted that this recommendation called for a reduction in the number of middle school bookkeepers from eleven (11) to five (5), with middle schools sharing those five (5) remaining bookkeepers.  She noted that the bookkeepers currently work full-time and questioned “how are they going to do two schools instead of one?”  She also stated that she had concerns with the issue of “seniority.” 


15) Consolidate Data Clerks (Elementary Schools with Less than 500 Students)

The Board recognized Bob Husbands, who expressed his concerns with the Superintendent’s recommendation for consolidation of data clerks and the reduction of middle school bookkeepers.


16) Reduce Department Supply Budgets by 10% and School Budgets by 5% from 2002-2003 Level


17) Data Control Clerk, Maintenance Mechanic I and Electrician Positions to Remain Vacant


18) Consolidate Management Information Systems and Instructional Technology

Mr. Paul Fetsko, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, stated that the Request for Information (RFI) for a Technology Assessment Consultant was issued on June 16, 2003 and once the results of the RFI were received, a Request for Proposal (RFP) would be issued.  He noted that the intent would be to reorganize these two departments, which hopefully would result in approximately $100,000 savings.  He stated that as part of this process, the Superintendent would recommend (under Item V.1 “Reappointment of Professional/Administrative Personnel”) that the reappointment of the “directors” for these two departments be effective only through September 1, 2003, at which time any reorganization would occur.   Dr. DeWitt requested that a copy of the issued RFI be provided to the Board.


19) Director of Maintenance Position to Remain Vacant


20) Leave Director of Student Services Vacant

Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, Mr. Paul Fetsko, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, stated that if this recommendation were approved, a meeting would be scheduled with the Curriculum and Instruction Department, to determine which existing staff could assume responsibility for the job duties previously performed by this position. 


21) Leave Vacant One Specialist in School Psychology Position


22) Leave Applied Technology Specialist Vacant


23) Lights Out Program

(NOTE: This item was previously addressed at the May 20, 2003 Special Meeting under “Proposal for Utilities Cost Savings.”)  Motion by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Mr. Clark, to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation for the “Lights Out Program” was approved unanimously. 


24) Postpone ESP Study

This would delay the classification study for one year.

Mrs. Stidham expressed concerns with approving this recommendation, until the until the District had discussed the postponement of the ESP study with the all parties involved.


25) Reduce One School Social Worker


26) Move One Teacher on Special Assignment (TSA) Position to Title V (Flight Deck)

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to “Move One TSA position to Title V (Flight Deck)” if permissible under law, was unanimous.   


27) Reduce One Auditor Position


28) Leave Data Tech Position Vacant


29) Increase Child Care Fee by $.50/day

Mr. Tommy Taylor, Director of Alternative Education, stated that child care provider contracts require a $1.50 per day/per child, reimbursement to the District, for facility usage.  He noted that if approved, this recommendation would increase that reimbursement to $2.00 per day/per child.  Mrs. Stidham was concerned that the providers would “pass” the increase on to parents, by increasing their child care rates.


30) Reduce Panhandle Management Development Network (PMDN) Funding

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Bergosh to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation to “Reduce Panhandle Management Development Network (PMDN) Funding,” was approved unanimously.  

The Board recognized Otha Leverette, who expressed his concerns regarding a number of the Superintendent’s general revenue budget reduction recommendations.


The Special Meeting recessed at 4:00 p.m. and reconvened at 4:15 p.m. with all Board Members, the Superintendent and Mr. Negron present.  


Justification for the Reinstatement of Various Positions on the Personnel Planning Document for 2003-2004


NOTE: The following were deleted from the Personnel Planning Document for 2003-2004, when it was approved at the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting:


(Cost Center 4008) Coordinator I – Information Services       

(Cost Center 4011) Director II – Pupil Instructional Support Services

(Cost Center 4102) Executive Secretary       

(Cost Center 4105) Director II – Maintenance

(Cost Center 4105) Clerk – Data Control – Maintenance      

(Cost Center 4105) Electrician I

(Cost Center 4105) Maintenance Mechanic I

(Cost Center 4106) Pre-Press Operator

(Cost Center 4106) Phototypesetter

(Cost Center 4106) Printer

(Cost Center 4106) Office Services Assistant

(Cost Center 4106) Print Shop Supervisor

(Cost Center 4107) SEMS Support Personnel Recruiter

(Cost Center 4108) Lead Driver [two (2) positions]

(Cost Center 4203) Property Records Technician

(Cost Center 4302) Coordinator IV – Safety, Health & Environmental Operations

(Cost Center 4407) Director II – Instructional Technology


The Superintendent and his staff provided justification (written and/or verbal) for the reinstatement of the following positions that were deleted from the Personnel Planning Document for 2003-2004, when it was approved at the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting:


Coordinator I - Information Services (Cost Center 4008)

Director II – Pupil Instructional Support Services (Cost Center 4011)

Executive Secretary (Cost Center 4102)       

Director II – Maintenance (Cost Center 4105)

Clerk – Data Control – Maintenance (Cost Center 4105)

Electrician I (Cost Center 4105)

Office Services Assistant (Cost Center 4106)

Maintenance Mechanic I (Cost Center 4105)

Lead Driver [two (2) positions] (Cost Center 4108)

Property Records Technician (Cost Center 4203)

Coordinator - Safety Health and Environmental Operations (Cost Center 4302)

Director II - Instructional Technology (Cost Center 4407)


The Special Meeting recessed at 5:40 p.m. and reconvened at 6:00 p.m., with all Board Members, the Superintendent and Mr. Negron present. 


Justification for the Reinstatement of Various Positions on the Personnel Planning Document for 2003-2004

The Board took the following action regarding several positions that were deleted from the Personnel Planning Document for 2003-2004, when it was approved at the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting:


Lead Drivers (Cost Center 4108)

Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Bergosh, to reinstate two (2) Lead Driver positions (Cost Center 4108), was approved unanimously. 


Coordinator IV – Safety, Health & Environmental Operations (Cost Center 4302)

Motion was made by Mrs. Bergosh, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to reinstate the position of Coordinator Safety, Health and Environmental Operations (Cost Center 4302). Mrs. Stidham and Mr. Clark stated they were not convinced that the duties of this position could not be merged into an another position.  Mrs. Bergosh expressed her support of this position, noting that it was “very critical” for ensuring a safe learning and working environment for students and employees.  Dr. DeWitt stated that he had “mixed feelings at this point’ and suggested that this item be tabled to the June 9, 2003 Special Meeting, to allow adequate time to gather additional information.  Motion by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. Clark, to table this issue to the June 9, 2003 Special Meeting, was approved 3 to 2, with Ms. Finkelstein and Mrs. Bergosh voting “No.”


Executive Secretary (Cost Center 4102)

Motion was made by Mrs. Bergosh, seconded by Ms. Finkelstein, to reinstate the position of Executive Secretary (Cost Center 4102).  Mrs. Bergosh and Ms. Finkelstein expressed their support of this position, noting that provided several important functions relating to the maintenance of the SEMS System and bargaining records.  Mrs. Stidham believed that the duties of this position could be consolidated into another position and therefore, she would not support the motion on the floor.  Motion was approved 4 to 1, with Mrs. Stidham voting “No.”


Director II – Instructional Technology (Cost Center 4407)

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Bergosh, to reinstate the position of Director II - Instructional Technology (Cost Center 4407).  Dr. DeWitt offered a “friendly amendment” that the position would “sunset on September 1, 2003, to coincide with the Superintendent’s recommendation for contracts.”  Mrs. Bergosh accepted the “friendly amendment.”  Motion was approved unanimously.


Coordinator I – Information Services (Cost Center 4008)

Mrs. Bergosh moved to reinstate the position of Coordinator I – Information Services (Cost Center 4008).  Ms. Finkelstein seconded the motion for discussion purposes.  Mrs. Bergosh expressed her support of this position, noting that it was necessary for ensuring an “open line of communication between the School District and the public.”  Mrs. Stidham and Ms. Finkelstein noted that due to the “budget situation” the Board was looking at “areas to cut” that would not have a negative impact on the classroom.  They noted that no information had been received, indicating that the abolishment of this position would have a negative impact on the classroom and therefore, they would not support the motion on the floor. Mr. Clark stated that he was not convinced that the duties of this position could not be merged into an another position and therefore, he would not support the motion on the floor.  Motion failed 4 to 1, with Ms. Finkelstein, Dr. DeWitt, Mrs. Stidham and Mr. Clark voting “No.”



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit “B”)

1. Bid Award: Courier/Mailroom Services, RFP # 032801

(NOTE: This item was tabled from the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting.)  Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Bergosh, to approve the bid award for courier services (not mailroom services).  In response to the motion, Mr. John Dombroskie, Director of Purchasing and Business Affairs, stated that if the desire was to continue current courier services and not to privatize mailroom services, a contract renewal for the current courier services could be presented at the June Regular Meeting.  Based on the information provided by Mr. Dombroskie, Dr. DeWitt withdrew his motion and Mrs. Bergosh withdrew her second.  Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to reject the Bid Award: Courier/Mailroom Services, RFP #032801.  Dr. DeWitt expressed various concerns regarding the privatization of current in-house mailroom services, however, he had no concerns regarding the continuation of the current courier services.   Motion to reject was approved 3 to 2, with Mrs. Bergosh and Mrs. Stidham voting “No.”


2. Lightspan EduTest Assessment Software for Various Schools

(NOTE: Item was tabled from the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting.)  Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt to table this item until further information on the “budget situation” was received.  Motion died for lack of a second. Dr. DeWitt moved to reject “Lightspan EduTest Assessment Software for Various Schools.”  Motion was seconded by Ms. Finkelstein for discussion purposes.  Dr. DeWitt believed it was “premature” to make a commitment to a three-year program with a total cost of $802,537.00 until further information on the “budget situation” was received.  Mrs. Stidham stated that she had heard from several principals (from schools currently using EduTest) who expressed their support of the EduTest software.  She noted that this was a three-year program and stated that if this item were approved for the first year, she would need documented performance results from each of the schools, to even consider supporting it for the second year.  Mr. Clark and Mrs. Bergosh stated that they too, had heard from several principals (from schools currently using EduTest) regarding the EduTest software and based on principal support, they support the approval of the software.  Motion to reject “Lightspan EduTest Assessment Software for Various Schools,” failed 3 to 2, with Mrs. Bergosh, Mrs. Stidham and Mr. Clark voting “No.”  Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Mrs. Bergosh, to approve “Lightspan EduTest Assessment Software for Various Schools,” was approved 3 to 2, with Dr. DeWitt and Ms. Finkelstein voting “No.”


3. Dell Server for Food Service Department

Motion made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Mrs. Bergosh, to table “Dell Server for Food Service Department,” to the June 9, 2003 Special Meeting, was approved unanimously.



ADD 1. Alternate Appointment to School Readiness Coalition – John DeWitt

Motion was made by Dr. DeWitt, seconded by Mrs. Stidham, to appoint Mr. Ronnie Clark, as an alternate voting representative to the School Readiness Coalition.  Dr. DeWitt explained that in reviewing his schedule, there were some potential conflicts with the School Readiness Coalition Board Meetings.  Due to the critical issues being decided, he believed that it was imperative that the Board was properly represented at all meetings and therefore, an alternate appointment was necessary.   Motion was unanimously approved.



(Supplementary Minute Book, Exhibit “C”)

ADD1. Reappointment of Professional/Administrative Personnel

Motion was made by Mrs. Stidham, seconded by Dr. DeWitt, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendations for “Reappointment of Professional/Administrative Personnel” with the exception of those individuals recommended for reappointment in the following positions: Coordinator – Information Services (as this position was eliminated as of the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting) and Coordinator – Safety, Health & Environmental Operations (as this position was eliminated as of the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting, yet reinstatement would be addressed at the June 9, 2003 Special Meeting).  Motion was approved unanimously.



There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.


Attest:                                             Approved:

___________________________        ________________________________

Superintendent                                   Chair