The School Board of Escambia County, Florida, convened in Workshop Meeting at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room, at the Dr. Vernon McDaniel (Administration) Building, 215 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida, with the following present:


            Chair:                           Ms. Linda Finkelstein                             Vice Chair:       Mrs. Cary Stidham       


            Board Members:           Mrs. Carissa Bergosh

                                                Mr. Ronnie L. Clark

                                                Dr. John DeWitt


            School Board Attorney:              Mr. Francisco M. Negron, Jr.


            Superintendent of Schools:         Mr. Jim Paul 



I.            CALL TO ORDER


Ms. Finkelstein called the Regular Workshop to order at 9:00 a.m.


A.     Open Discussion


Safety Inspections Report


Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, Mr. Steve Sharp, Coordinator of Health, Safety and Environmental Operations, stated that the annual safety inspection report (for school year 2002-2003) would be presented for Board approval on the September Regular Meeting agenda.  


Update on the Development of “Master Calendar” for the District


[NOTE: The following discussion refers to Board action from the May 20, 2003 Regular Meeting, regarding the development of a web-based “Master Calendar.”]  Upon inquiry by Dr. DeWitt,      Mr. Don Manderson, Director of Instructional Technology, gave a brief update regarding the development of a web-based “Master Calendar” for the District.  He stated that two “applications” (software options) had been identified and could be demonstrated to the Board in the near future.


            Student Enrollment


      At the request of Dr. DeWitt, Mr. Paul Fetsko, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, reviewed the most current information regarding student enrollment figures for elementary, middle and high schools.  He stated that he would provide the Board with updated information regarding this issue, as it became available. 





            Adequate Yearly Progress


      Mrs. Stidham requested a listing of “which subgroup (i.e., race/ethnicity groups, economically disadvantaged students, students who are limited English proficient, students with disabilities) caused certain schools not to make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).”


            School Resource Officers – Escambia County Sheriff’s Department


      (NOTE: This item was previously discussed at the July 21, 2003 Regular Workshop and approved at the July 22, 2003 Regular Meeting.)  Ms. Finkelstein noted that she had previously requested an explanation as to why the District pays 100% of the personnel related costs of school resource officers assigned to Northview High School and Jim Bailey Middle School.  Dr. Doug Garber, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resource Services, advised that both Northview and Jim Bailey were “added” after the original contract with the Sheriff’s Department was negotiated.  He explained that the Sheriff’s Department had “originally agreed to so many, and if we added more, than we would have to pay for them.”  He noted that the District had tried to re-negotiate the contract every year and would continue to do so, however he did not believe that the Sheriff’s Department would consent to adding Northview and Jim Bailey, due to continued financial constraints.      


            School Choice Office


      (NOTE: The following discussion refers to Board action from the July 22, 2003 Regular Meeting, regarding the “Creation of School Choice Office.”)  The Superintendent requested clarification regarding the “Creation of School Choice Office,” as there was confusion among he and his staff, as to whether the position of Demographic Mapping Technician was to be upgraded to Office of School Choice Coordinator; or whether the position of Demographic Mapping Technician was to be abolished and the position of Office of School Choice Coordinator created and advertised.  He noted that during the discussion that had occurred at the July 22, 2003 Regular Meeting, both situations had been addressed.  Ms. Finkelstein and Mr. Negron advised that regardless of any discussion that had occurred, both the motion and the backup documentation were clear that the “Creation of School Choice Office” included the upgrade of the Demographic Mapping Technician position.  Mr. Negron noted that “while there was much discussion that occurred, the motion was never amended.”  After discussion, Mr. Negron suggested a short recess to allow the Superintendent an opportunity to discuss this issue with his staff in order to ensure that they required no additional clarification regarding this issue.   


      The Regular Workshop recessed at 9:45 a.m. and reconvened at 9:55 a.m., with all Board Members, the Superintendent and Mr. Negron present. 


      Mr. Paul Fetsko, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, stated that                    the Superintendent’s staff had discussed the issue and were “clear” that the position of     Demographic Mapping Technician was to be upgraded to Office of School Choice Coordinator, effective July 22, 2003 (date when Board action occurred). 


            Strategic Planning Update


      Mrs. Sheree’ Cagle, Director of Comprehensive Planning, gave a brief update regarding “strategic planning,” by reviewing information she had provided to the Board. 






The Superintendent made no comments.   



1.       Update on Superintendent’s Council for Teacher Recruitment and Retention

  1. Report from District Equal Employment Opportunities Coordinator


Mrs. Mary Helen Fryman, Director of Instructional, Professional Technical and Administrative Personnel, reviewed information she had provided to the Board, which listed the minority teacher for the 2003-2004 school year.  She noted that of approximately 300 new hires, 60 were minority teachers.


  1. Presentation on No-Nit Pilot Project – Malcolm Thomas


Mr. Malcolm Thomas, Director of Evaluation Services, explained that medical groups had requested that the District review the current “No-Nit” policy and begin to make recommendations for change, as the policy conflicted with current medical research and professional position statements on the management of head lice.  Ms. Karen Thoennes, Coordinator of Health Services, explained that with this request, the District had focused on three issues: 1) the local pediatric community was treating children with head lice according to the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations that do not support exclusion from school because of head lice; 2) the concern that head lice are responsible for excessive absenteeism in District schools; and 3) the initial reluctance of school staff and parents to “risk their own child” being exposed to lice if children were allowed in school with nits.  She stated that the issue was referred to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook Committee and their response was that the current “No Nit” policy would be maintained for the 2003-2004 school year however, a task force would be assigned to develop a pilot project to evaluate the impact of a “no live louse” policy during the 2003-2004 school year and to develop a plan to assess the results of the pilot project and to make a recommendation for a district head lice policy for 2004-2005 school year.  Ms. Katrina Webb, Escambia County Health Department, gave a brief presentation entitled “Truth: The Problem Is Lice, Not Nits.”


ADD    4.         Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act (Senate Bill 1522) – Peggy Pilcher


      (NOTE: The Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act (passed by the 2003 legislature) was created to provide parents with specific information about their child’s educational progress; provide parents with comprehensive information about their choices and opportunities for involvement in their child’s education; and to provide a framework for building and strengthening partnerships among parents, teachers, principals, district school superintendents, and other personnel.)  Mrs. Peggy Pilcher, Director of Volunteer Business Partnerships, briefly reviewed information provided to the Board, which addressed the following questions regarding the Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act: What does the Act require from the District?; When is the District required to complete those tasks?; How does the Act coordinate with the Family Involvement requirements of No Child Left Behind?



Notice of Intent to Advertise Revisions to School District Rules, Chapter 2 (Item II.B.2 on August 19, 2003 Regular Meeting agenda)


(NOTE: The following statements refer to Section 2.05 – Ethics.)  Mrs. Stidham noted that the Audit Committee had previously recommended that the Board adopt a “stronger district-wide ethics policy,” and questioned whether the Superintendent had formed a committee to review the issue.  The Superintendent stated that he would be forming a committee in the near future and a district-wide ethics policy would be forthcoming. 


      (NOTE: The following statements refer to Section 2.32 – Political Activities of Personnel.)  Mrs. Stidham provided a handout outlining suggested revisions to the language in Section 2.32 – Personnel Activities of Personnel.  She stated that the revisions were in response to concerns expressed by Mr. Bob Husbands, Executive Director of Escambia NEA UniServe, regarding the vagueness of the phrase “political activity.”  She stated that she would have “finalized language” to present at the August 19, 2003 Regular Meeting.  


V.            CONSENT AGENDA


      The Superintendent listed the additions, deletions, amendments and corrections to the August Regular Meeting agenda.


A.     Curriculum and Instruction

            5.                     Amendment to the Charter Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Byrneville Elementary Conversion Charter School

6.       Amendment to the Charter Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Ruby J. Gainer School for Reaching Your Dream

7.       Amendment to the Charter Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida and Pensacola Beach Elementary Charter School


      Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, Mr. Charles Thomas, Director of Alternative Education, explained that these charter agreements needed to be amended, to include items that were inadvertently omitted when they were approved at the June 24, 2003 Special Meeting.  He noted that the items that had been omitted were included in the charter agreements from the prior year.     


21.      2003-2004 School Improvement and Educational Accountability Guidelines


      Dr. DeWitt suggested that the District’s “uniform policy” (Student Dress Code) be incorporated into the School Improvement and Educational Accountability Guidelines, under the School Advisory Council section, as he believed that “outlining how the Student Dress Code (“uniform policy”) fits into the School Advisory Council role, would be very helpful.”  Mr. Negron offered to assist Mrs. Sheree’ Cagle, Director of Comprehensive Planning, in developing the necessary language to address Dr. DeWitt’s suggestion.  


B.     Finance                                    

            6.   Budget Amendments

a)      Resolution 11: General Operating Fund


      Ms. Finkelstein referred to “page 5 of 8” which indicated a $112,608.06 decrease under “Interest on Investments.”  Upon inquiry by Ms. Finkelstein, Mrs. Barbara Linker, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Affairs, explained that the decrease “was not an actual reduction in any interest, but rather a change in the object classification – just to get it in the right category.” 


C.     Human Resource Services

1.       Instructional/Professional

b.       Reappointments

3.   4th Year Annual

White, James          Pensacola High             08/06/03


       Upon inquiry by Dr. DeWitt, Dr. Doug Garber, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resource Services, explained that the principal had opted to give this individual “another chance to be successful in the language arts field,” but would do so only with the opportunity to evaluate on a 4th year annual contract. 


D.     Purchasing

2.       Bid Renewal / Extension: Fire Alarm Inspection & Maintenance, Bid #025102


      (NOTE: This item was a recommendation for the renewal for the second year of a three-year bid to provide inspection and maintenance of fire alarm systems in schools and facilities throughout the District.)  Dr. DeWitt questioned why the District was paying approximately $300,000 for contracted inspection services instead of hiring a “certified person to go around and inspect.”  Mr. Ted Kirchharr, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, stated that the District had done a “pilot test with that issue several years back and the result was that it was actually cheaper to contract the inspection services.”


            3.   Bid Renewal / Extension: Agreement for Vending Services, Bid #57-98


      (NOTE: This item was a recommendation for extension of the current agreement through June 30, 2004.  This would allow adequate time for the committee that was currently looking into the feasibility of combining vending agreements district-wide to complete their study, obtain information for new bid, and for the bid process to be completed.  The machines governed by this agreement are under the jurisdiction of the Food Services Department.  Proceeds go directly to each school’s Food Service Fund.)  Upon inquiry by Mrs. Stidham, Mr. John Dombroskie, Director of Purchasing, explained that there was a committee currently evaluating the feasibility of formally bidding exclusive vending contracts, “in which all vending machines in the District go to one company.”  He stated that “we did not want to re-bid this and enter into a new agreement with that committee’s decision not being known because it would take away one of their options if we awarded it and they chose that we should go the exclusive for the whole District route.”  Mrs. Stidham questioned when the committee would have a recommendation regarding the issue of exclusive vending contracts.  Mr. Norm Ross, Deputy Superintendent, stated that the committee hoped to have a recommendation “before this contract expires in June 2004.”  Dr. Dewitt and Ms. Finkelstein stated that they would be “more comfortable” extending this contract through December 2003 rather than June 2004.  Ms. Finkelstein requested that the Board be provided in writing, with the committee’s concerns regarding the issue of exclusive vending contracts, so that the Board could “decide what we want to do on this item as to whether December or June.”   


E.      Operations

2.       Transportation

2.   Implementation of Walk Zone Rule


      (NOTE: This issue was previously discussed at the August 7, 2003 Emergency Meeting.)  Mrs. Stidham referred to specific bus stops throughout the district that would no longer be serviced (effective August 11, 2003).  She reiterated her concerns from the August 7, 2003 Emergency Meeting, with regard to student safety (i.e., walking conditions), specifically addressing the bus stops that would no longer be serviced in the Escambia High School area.  Mr. Clark expressed similar concerns with regard to student safety (i.e., walking conditions), specifically addressing the bus stops that would no longer be serviced in the Montclair Elementary School area. 


F.      Student Transfers


            No discussion was held. 


G.     Internal Auditing


            No discussion was held. 




            No items were submitted. 


VII.            NEW BUSINESS

A.     Items from the Board

1.       Discussion Regarding Budget Policies – Linda Finkelstein (workshop item only)


      Ms. Finkelstein stated that at the September Regular Meeting she intended to propose a policy for a budget calendar, as she believed that such a calendar would be “helpful as we go through our budget process.”  Mrs. Stidham suggested that the budget calendar include information as “when to expect certain items that are routine (i.e., Personnel Planning Document, contracts), so that we know when those items should be coming before us.” 


2.       Substitute Teacher Requirements for Northern Escambia County Schools – Cary Stidham


            This item was discussed earlier in the meeting. 


B.     Items from the Superintendent


            No discussion was held. 


C.     Items from the General Counsel


            No items were submitted. 




            There being no further business, the Regular Workshop adjourned at 12:55 p.m.


Attest:                                                              Approved:




________________________________                    ________________________________

Superintendent                                                  Chair